AR Management has become highly complicated. The evolution of payment plans, patient co-payments, co-insurance arrangements, and more patients in high-deductible health plans have increased the complexity and ambiguity of payments. Doctors need a comprehensive strategy to help minimize reimbursement issues and accelerate cash flow. Reliabile Healthcare Billing provides end-to-end medical billing services for hospitals, medical group practitioners and independent doctors. We have the knowledge, technology and experience to optimize the performance of your business. Our certified medical billing and AR staff will carefully track and trace each claim until payment is received. We have dedicated AR managers working with health insurance payers and patients.


The management team of CHPSL AR quickly improved the healthcare collection and established internal procedures to simplify collections and ensure that each claim is followed up. Accurate, timely and professional billing is accompanied by severe AR tracking, AR cleaning, and a group of more and faster skilled AR professionals. Our team of experts will thoroughly assess your account receivable status and determine rejected claims & unpaid claims. We can help you speed up cash flow and minimize the number of accounts receivable days through timely follow-up and appeal. We can handle all your medical billing AR requirements-error-free claim submission, correct analysis of rejected claims, and effective follow-up.

  • Payer/Insurance Tracking
  • Self-Payment Tracking
  • Accounts Receivable Analysis
  • Refusal Management
  • Continuous Monitoring & Reporting of Accounts
  • Collection Management
  • Accounts Receivable Services Medicare"